Let Me Introduce Myself

Hi! Welcome to The Unspoken Side of Healing. I’m so glad you’re here. My name is Cynthia Puerta. I am a mom, a motivational speaker, a Marine Veteran, a friend, a student, and above all… a survivor.

From a young age, I’ve dealt with many traumatic experiences. From narcissistic relationships to sexual assault and depression—I’ve overcome many obstacles… more than you could think of.

2021 was a year that challenged me to my core. Not only did I find out I was expecting, I had suddenly lost my triplets just weeks after their gender reveal. Shortly after, I came to the painful realization the person who I was with was not who I thought they were. After losing whom I thought I loved, and the babies I deeply cared for, I found myself broken, shattered, and in an immense pain.

Through months of therapy and self-work, I discovered the notion that healing is not linear, it’s not easy, and it takes time. What many don’t know about healing is that it can be lonely sometimes. It forces you to be vulnerable and reveal the truth—whether you like it or not. I learned that the unspoken side of healing is where you truly find your voice, find yourself, and being to heal.

When we as individuals let go of the fear and shame associated with our pain, we begin to accept our faults, traumas, and experiences. It’s when we speak up, and speak out that we begin The Unspoken Side of Healing.

My Healing Journey

I’ll be honest when I say, healing is not linear.

You’ll have your good days and bad days. But once you begin to identify your triggers and trauma responses, you begin to heal. Once you come to peace with what’s happened, you begin to heal. Once you open up, talk to someone and let out your pain, you begin to heal. I’ve gone to therapy, read dozens of self-help/healing books, and faced my demons.

I’m happy to say that each day I’m making progress and continuing to heal.  Sharing my story has helped me not only empower myself and validate myself but also empower others who have been through the same trauma or similar  trauma.

I’ve had so many people come to me and tell me that hearing my story made them feel heard, and that they were not alone or going crazy. It made them realize how important it is to learn self love and learn how to find new healthy coping mechanisms. I discovered that God gave me a beautiful gift and i enjoy helping others.